Beaumont, CA Elder Abuse Lawyer


Unfortunately, elder abuse is a tragic reality for many seniors, occurring in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. If you suspect that an elderly family member or friend is a victim of abuse, it is imperative to seek legal assistance immediately. Contact Hanson & Mouri to arrange a free consultation with our dedicated Beaumont elder abuse lawyer today. 

Beaumont, CA Elder Abuse Lawyer

Why Choose Us?

We firmly believe that individuals experiencing elder abuse deserve passionate and high-quality legal representation. Our approach combines vigorous advocacy with honest and practical legal advice to help alleviate the physical, emotional, financial, and personal stresses that accompany the litigation process.

  • Personal Attention: Our attorneys will personally handle your case.
  • Communication: We will keep you informed about significant developments in your case.
  • Timely Responses: We strive to return all telephone calls by the end of the next business day, if not sooner.
  • Professional Service: We will provide prompt and professional legal services.
  • Transparency: You will have ample opportunity to review the attorney/client retainer agreement.
  • Clarity: We will ensure you understand your legal rights and discuss the best litigation strategy for your individual case.

Why Hire a Beaumont Elder Abuse Attorney?

Hiring a lawyer for your elder abuse case is highly beneficial for several key reasons. An experienced Beaumont elder abuse lawyer possesses specialized knowledge and experience in elder law, which ensures that your case is handled with the utmost care and precision. They can thoroughly investigate the abuse, gather critical evidence, and build a strong case to prove the claim and hold the responsible parties accountable. Additionally, an injury lawyer can navigate the complex legal system, advocate for your loved one’s rights, and pursue the maximum compensation available. Having an attorney also provides critical emotional support and guidance during this challenging time, allowing you to focus on your loved one’s well-being while the legal aspects are handled. 

What is an Elder Based on California Law?

California’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (EADACPA) defines an elder as any person residing in the state of California who is 65 years of age or older. This definition applies specifically to cases of elder abuse and neglect within the state.

It’s important to note that while the term “elder” generally refers to individuals aged 65 and older in the context of elder abuse cases, California law also provides protections for dependent adults who may be vulnerable to abuse or neglect regardless of age.

California’s Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) defines a dependent adult as any person between the ages of 18 and 64 years who has physical or mental limitations that restrict their ability to carry out normal activities or protect their rights. This definition extends protections to adults under the age of 65 who are deemed dependent due to disabilities or other vulnerabilities.

Types of Elder Abuse

Elder abuse can take many forms, each with severe impacts on the well-being of the victim. Here are the main types:

Physical Abuse

Inflicting physical pain or injury through actions like hitting, slapping, pushing, or improper use of restraints.

  • Signs: Unexplained bruises, cuts, fractures, marks from restraints, and sudden changes in behavior indicating fear of caregivers.

Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Causing emotional pain or distress through verbal assaults, threats, harassment, or isolation.

  • Signs: Sudden withdrawal from social activities, anxiety, depression, fearfulness, or significant changes in mood and behavior.


Failing to provide necessary care, leading to harm or distress. This can be intentional or unintentional.

  • Signs: Poor hygiene, malnutrition, dehydration, untreated medical conditions, bedsores, and unsafe living conditions.

Financial Exploitation

Unauthorized or improper use of an elder’s funds, property, or assets.

  • Signs: Unexplained financial transactions, sudden changes in financial status, missing belongings, or forged signatures on financial documents.

Sexual Abuse

Non-consensual sexual contact of any kind or forcing an elder to witness sexual acts.

  • Signs: Bruises around private areas, unexplained sexually transmitted infections, and sudden changes in behavior or demeanor.

Healthcare Fraud and Abuse

Involves unethical or illegal actions by medical professionals, such as overcharging, double-billing, or providing substandard care.

  • Signs: Duplicate billing for the same services, inadequate care despite high costs, or discrepancies in medical records and treatments provided.


Deserting an elderly person who is under one’s care, often leaving them without the means to obtain necessary care.

  • Signs: The elder being left alone in unsafe conditions, lack of essential medical or

Recognizing these types of elder abuse and their warning signs is crucial for protecting seniors from harm. If you suspect any form of abuse, it is important to take immediate action by contacting the appropriate authorities and seeking legal assistance to ensure the safety and well-being of the elderly individual.

How Can I Report Elder Abuse in Beaumont?

If you suspect elder abuse, it’s crucial to take action promptly to prevent further harm to the elderly or dependent adult. Without intervention, abuse and neglect can escalate, emphasizing the importance of erring on the side of caution. If immediate medical assistance is needed, dial 9-1-1 without hesitation.

For situations where emergency services are not warranted but urgent attention is required, the 24/7 Long-Term Care Ombudsman CRISIS line is available. This resource offers immediate response for elderly individuals in Riverside County at 1(800) 491-7123.

To report abuse or neglect that isn’t an emergency, reach out to the local Riverside Ombudsman office at 1(833) 772-6624. Long-term Care (LTC) Ombudsmen serve as advocates, addressing concerns and empowering elderly individuals by informing them of their rights. These dedicated professionals undergo extensive training to support victims and their families effectively.

Is There a Time Limit on Filing an Elder Abuse Claim?

All civil lawsuits adhere to a “statute of limitations,” dictating the period within which victims can seek compensation. When it comes to elder abuse and neglect cases, typically categorized as negligence claims, California law allows a two-year window from the date of discovering the injury or when it reasonably should have been discovered (California Code of Civil Procedure section 335.1). Determining when this timeframe begins can be complex, especially in cases of ongoing abuse or neglect. Seeking guidance from an experienced elder abuse attorney is crucial in navigating this process and ensuring timely action. Missing this deadline can result in the forfeiture of compensation for victims or their families.

Contact Us Today

If you suspect that an elderly loved one is being abused, don’t wait. Contact Hanson & Mouri online or by calling (951) 688-0006 today for a free consultation. Our experienced Beaumont elder abuse lawyer is ready to listen, advise, and take action to protect your family member’s rights and well-being.

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