San Bernardino Motorcycle Accident Lawyer


Motorcycle riders are at a significantly higher risk of severe injury in an accident. When a preventable collision and another party is to blame, you may be entitled to recover reimbursement for your losses. We can help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Call Hanson & Mouri at (951) 419-3199 or send us a request online to schedule a free consultation. 

Why Choose Our San Bernardino Motorcycle Accident Lawyer? 

  • We understand how debilitating a motorcycle accident can be and work aggressively to recover maximum compensation for our clients.
  • We make it a point to remain transparent throughout motorcycle accident cases and available for any questions and concerns. 
  • We have recovered millions in settlements and verdicts for injury victims in San Bernardino

How Can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help My Case?

Motorcycle accident victims often face bias when dealing with an at-fault party’s insurance company. They will likely look for ways to blame you for the collision to reduce their liability. An experienced accident attorney in San Bernardino will ensure you have a solid claim and are treated fairly. They will begin by gathering concrete evidence to prove the other party’s fault. That can include:

  • Police reports
  • Any available video surveillance footage from traffic cameras or businesses located near the scene
  • Photographic evidence from the crash site
  • Witness statements
  • Medical records
  • Records of lost income and pain and suffering

When it comes time to negotiate a settlement with the insurer, having an attorney represent you drastically increases the chance of fair compensation. By hiring representation, you solidify the potential threat of a lawsuit. As a result, the insurer will be more inclined to reach a settlement agreement. 

San Bernardino motorcycle accident lawyer

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in San Bernardino

The leading causes of motorcycle accidents in San Bernardino include:

  • Speeding
  • Failing to inspect motorcycles and maintain them regularly
  • A car braking suddenly in front of a motorcycle
  • Distracted drivers
  • Failure to use safety equipment, such as reflective materials, a helmet, and a face shield
  • Motorists that drift into the motorcyclist’s lane or cut them off
  • Tailgating or failing to leave enough room between vehicles
  • Lane splitting
  • Dangerous road or weather conditions
  • Failure to use headlights
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Colliding with a San Bernardino bicyclist
  • Manufacturing defects in automotive parts
  • Driving without proper training or a license

Most motorcycle accidents are preventable and occur when one or more parties are negligent. If the accident could have been avoided had the at-fault party demonstrated reasonable care, they can be liable for damages or losses. 

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycle accidents often cause serious injuries, especially when involving a heavy motor vehicle that can inflict substantial damage on smaller and lighter motorcycles. Some of the most common injuries suffered in motorcycle accidents include:

Road Rash, Scarring, and Disfigurement 

Road rash is a leading injury in motorcycle accidents because a motorcyclist’s skin often makes continued contact with the pavement or gravel. When layers of skin are scraped off, there is a risk of infection, skin graft surgery may be necessary, and it may result in permanent scarring or disfigurement. 

Bone Fractures

In an accident, motorcyclists have little to no protection, so riders often suffer severe bone fractures. They typically happen from coming into contact with another vehicle or when a motorcyclist hits the pavement. Surgical intervention may be required depending on its severity. 

Head Injuries

The force of a collision can result in a head injury, such as a skull fracture or traumatic brain injury (TBI), even if a rider is wearing a helmet. A moderate or severe TBI can have a permanent impact physically, cognitively, and psychologically. 

Lower Extremity Injuries 

The lower extremities are particularly vulnerable in a motorcycle accident. Some of the more common ones that motorcyclists suffer are injuries to the pelvis, hips, knees, legs, feet, ankles, and toes. 

Whiplash and Other Neck Injuries 

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries caused in an accident because the neck is often whipped fiercely back and forth, particularly if a motorcyclist is hit from the rear. In addition to other injuries that damage the muscles, tendons, ligaments, or vertebrae in the neck, whiplash can result in severe and long-lasting pain, stiffness, headaches, vision or hearing problems, and emotional issues. 

Back and Spine Injuries 

Back and spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are common because riders’ backs are entirely exposed. A severe SCI can cause paralysis or a loss of feeling from the injury site and down. 

Internal Injuries 

Internal organs can be damaged, perforated, or lacerated in an accident if they are slammed against one another, into other body structures, or are penetrated by foreign objects. Internal injuries can be life-threatening and often require surgery. 

Catastrophic Injuries 

A catastrophic injury results in long-term or permanent pain or disability—for example, a loss of limb, organ function, or paralysis. 

Wrongful Death

When a victim loses their life in a motorcycle accident due to the negligent actions of another party, it is considered a wrongful death. Surviving family members have the right to hold the at-fault party accountable in a wrongful death lawsuit.  

Types of Available Compensation in San Bernardino Motorcycle Accident Cases

There are many types of compensation you can pursue after a motorcycle accident to help reimburse your losses, including:

Medical Expenses

Current and future medical costs, including hospitalizations, surgeries, doctor visits, rehabilitation, and any other necessary medical care. 

Lost Wages

Current and future income that you will lose while recovering. You may also be able to claim diminished earning capacity if you cannot make the same amount of income you did before the accident. 

Pain and Suffering

Compensation for physical and mental pain, as well as emotional distress. 

Property Damage

Reimbursement for repairs to or the replacement of your motorcycle. 

Loss of Consortium

Compensation for a spouse’s loss of companionship and affection 

Wrongful Death

If a motorcycle accident results in a fatality, surviving loved ones can pursue a claim for funeral and burial expenses, loss of expected income and benefits, loss of companionship, and more. If this has happened to you, contact a San Bernardino wrongful death lawyer.

How Long Do Motorcycle Accident Settlements Take?

Since each motorcycle accident case is unique, there is no exact answer to how long an accident settlement will take. However, here are the best and worst-case scenarios: 

  • Best-Case Scenario: 30 Days — California auto insurance companies attempt to resolve motorcycle accident claims within 30 days. The insurance adjuster will reach out to you and evaluate your claim, as well as investigate the crash and determine the amount of compensation they believe you should receive. If there is evidence that their policyholder is at fault, they will offer you a settlement. If the offer is fair and you accept it, they will require you to sign a release of liability before sending your check. Once that form is received, the insurer will typically take a week or more to mail the check to you or your attorney. 
  • Worst-Case Scenario: Months to Years — If your injuries are severe, multiple parties are involved, liability is disputed, or the insurance company refuses or delays settlement, it can significantly lengthen the time it takes to recover compensation, especially if you wind up having to file a personal injury lawsuit. Highly complex cases can take years to resolve.  

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident?

After a motorcycle accident, there are critical steps you should take to protect yourself for your health and injury claim for compensation. 

Call 9-1-1

Call 911 as soon as you can to report the accident and request medical assistance if you or someone else is injured. Emergency responders will arrive to treat anyone involved and transport you to the hospital if necessary. A police officer will create an accident report detailing the collision, how they believe the crash occurred and which parties were at fault. Ultimately, this report can be critical when it comes to the insurance company deciding fault.  

Photograph the Accident 

If you are not medically transported to the hospital, remain at the scene and photograph or take videos of the following:

  • The scene as a whole;
  • The positions of all vehicles involved and their damage;
  • Any property damage caused in the surrounding area;
  • Any debris or markings on the road, such as skid marks;
  • The road conditions and any hazards, such as potholes or uneven lanes
  • Street signs and traffic signals
  • Your injuries, your helmet, and any damage to it to prove you were wearing one.

Speak to Witnesses

If anyone witnessed the accident, ask for their name and contact information. Check if they are willing to make a recorded statement, which you can take on your phone. A third party’s objective point of view on what occurred can carry a lot of weight in an insurer’s decision on who was at fault. 

Seek Medical Treatment

Be thoroughly evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible, even if you are not in pain or don’t believe you are injured. Some severe injuries can have delayed symptoms that show up hours or even days later. Seeking treatment right away is best for your health and will also provide documentation to show the extent of your injuries and link them to the accident. If you wait too long to seek medical help, the insurance company can argue that your injuries were not a result of the motorcycle accident or are not as severe as you claim. 

Consult an Attorney

Schedule a free legal consultation to have your case evaluated by a motorcycle accident lawyer. They can help you weigh your options to determine the best course of action for recovering the compensation you need.

Speak to a Skilled San Bernardino Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has suffered a severe injury in a motorcycle accident, contact Hanson & Mouri. We will help you prove the at-fault party’s liability and demand fair compensation. Call (951) 419-3199 or send us a message online to schedule a free consultation today.

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